Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Sheria ya ubashiri ya FA yamnasa mshambuliaji wa Stoke Cameron Jerome na kupigwa faini ya pauni £50,000.

 Mshambuliaji wa Stoke Cameron Jerome amepigwa faini ya pauni £50,000 kwa kuvunja sheria ya ubashiri wa matokeo ya chama  ha soka nchini England FA(Football Association betting rules).

Mshambuliaji huyo mwenue umri wa miaka 27, amekubali kuwa amekuwa akifanya kosa hilo mara kwa mara.

Lakini hata hivyo adhabu yake hiyo haihusiani na michezo yote aliyokubali kufanya kitendo kama hicho na vilevile amepewa nafasi kwa mujibu wa sheria kukata rufaa ya adhabu aliyopewa.
Taarifa ya FA imesema
"Cameron Jerome amepigwa faini ya pauni £50,000 ambayo anaweza kukata rufaa kufuatia kamati huru ya nidhamu kuketi".

"Jerome, ambaye am emekuwa akionywa mara kwa mara juu ya hilo kwa tahadhari ya hatama yake amekubali kufanya makosa mara nyingi ya kuvunja sheria ya ubashiri ya FA na alitakiwa kuhudhuria kusikiliza shauri lake Jumanne ya Agosti 13  2013."

Mwezi June, kiungo wa Tottenham Andros Townsend aliukosa mchezo baina ya timu ya vijana ya Under-21 ya England ya michuano ya Ulaya baada ya kupigwa faini ya pauni milioni 18 na kusimamishwa michezo minne.

Soma sheria ya ubashiri wa matokeo inavyosema inavyosema.
The FA has a number of rules relating to betting which affect all players, managers, coaches,
club medical staff and other Participants (e.g. Directors, Licensed agents). The purpose
of this guide is to tell you what these rules are, what they mean and how they affect you.
The rules cover three main areas; betting, the use of inside information and match fixing.
The reason The FA has rules in this area is to ensure that in every football match both
teams and individual players are playing to the best of their ability and with a clear
motivation to win the game, without any conflicting objectives for either club or any
player or club official.
It is also very important for the reputation of the game that players, managers,
coaches and other club officials are not involved in non-match betting (for example,
on promotion and relegation and next manager markets) in league competitions in
which their team is involved.
Furthermore, due to your position in the game, you are sometimes privy to information
that would possibly enable you to make money (or enable others to make money)
through betting activity. Again, this type of activity is detrimental to the image and
reputation of the game and is not permitted under the rules.
There is now a wide range of types of bets that can be placed on football, including
laying a losing bet on betting exchanges and in-play betting. Consequently, it is vital for
football to protect, and be seen to protect, the integrity and reputation of the game.
This is a guide to this area only. All Players and Participants are bound by FA
Rules and regulations and should refer directly to those Rules and regulations for
the definitive position. Should there be any inconsistency between this guidance
and the Rules and regulations, the Rules and regulations prevail.

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